Children Denied a Transplant

2 years ago

Why are so many parents treated like trash on the wayside by white-robed doctors who have no respect or honor in them? Despite their own oath?!? The old Hippocrates oath said: “The physician must…have two special objects in view with regard to disease, namely to do good or to do no harm.” This no longer stands true among many of them. Improper laws push them to fear for their wallets. With a drowned conscience they become tyrannical. What to do? Parents must be sober and watchful against the evil that seeks not just the bodies but also the minds of their children. They have to "bob and weave" with their child to avoid the tragedies that have victimized so many families in modern times. There is a new website dedicated to helping such families. This website needs your story, your advice, and your help!! Also, you may acquire the knowledge necessary to serve, protect and shield your children from harm's way! Most importantly, help parents discover where they should seek an organ transplant. Where they can go that won't belittle their authority or scare them into submission when their parental intuition tells them something different than what the doctor tells them. GO TO:

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