Cochise County 111822 meeting where their BOS asked Katy Hobbs to show them the accreditation evidence

1 year ago

Information reveals that the Federal governments EAC (Election Assistance Commission) has not been doing proper accreditations on the Test Labs for many years. Instead they have been jockying the document, and changing the rules to make past mistakes look ok.

However the Maxims of Law States.
620. Things grounded upon an ill and void beginning cannot have a
valid or good perfection.
62c. Things invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by
subsequent act.
62a. A conclusion as to the use of a thing from its abuse is invalid.

Come Monday 11-28-22 via Zoom @ 10am, use the link below to get the zoom info,BOE,FCD,LIB,LIGHT,PUBNTC,EXEC,SPCL,WKS,RAC,EMRGCY

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