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Clive de Carle Natural Health & Healing

2 years ago

Do you walk into a room and forget why? Are you fatigued constantly even though you are getting enough sleep? 
“There are 3 reasons why we lose our health, Physical damage, toxicity, and nutrient deficiency. There is no 4th reason.” Clive de Carle
It’s easy to solve these simply things. Clive was told at the age of 32 that there was no cure for his health emergency, and he proved the Dr’s wrong. He has spent his life reversing disease and helping others to be freed from pharmaceuticals. The body is not created with a shortage of supplements.

Get any of the supplements discussed on the show - https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/328693/11489

Join Clive’s Secret Health Club - https://clivedecarle.com/secret-health-club/

Clive's Platinum Health Bundle - JUST IN TIME for the holidays - grab this now! https://clivedecarle.com/product/clives-health-bundle-platinum-package/
Iodine - https://clivedecarle.com/product/iodine/
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Sponsors for Today’s Video:
**Reverse aging with Esther’s Timeless Pack - https://b4a.kannaway.com/B4A/shop/mfinitynutrition
**Lose WEIGHT while DRINKING JAVA - https://b4a.kannaway.com/b4a/product/MY0012E?categoryid=460
**Dr. Mark Sherwood - www.sherwood.tv/B4A/
**BEST Collagen Elixir - https://getstarted.isagenix.com/5HDE68T9V004
**PREMIERE CBD products - https://b4a.kannaway.com/B4A/shop/cbdproducts
**Prepare your Finances with Kirk Elliott PhD - https://kirkelliottphd.com/b4a/
**Holy Hydrogen - Promo Code B4A https://www.holyhydrogen.com
**Website Design/Hosting Blaze Team - Mention ‘Tania’ - https://blaze.team/
**Curativa Bay - Promo Code B4A https://www.curativabay.com
**Nature Reigns - Promo Code B4A www.naturereigns.com
**MyPillow - https://www.mypillow.com/b4a
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