Episode 44: Tell Me Thursday-A Story of Standing for Your Growth

1 year ago

This is the podcast for career and family-minded introverted women who love caring for others but are ready to restore balance by learning to take care of themselves without the guilt. We're all about self-love, law of attraction, and manifesting so you can learn how to reprogram their mindset and redesign their future. Get ready for your daily dose of love and caffeination!
What does your personal growth mean to you? Does it look like coming across crazy? As coming across selfish?
To be clear and honest... YES. It comes down to choosing YOU over others, and as someone who has been a serial people pleaser her whole life, and worried about what others think, this is probably the most FREE I've felt.
I'm doing ME, for ME. I'm choosing ME. Even if I have to tell a client that we are no longer a good fit. I'd rather her have the time and money to work with someone who can help her heal, because her pain was keeping her stuck.
When we choose to keep our pain, love our pain, nurture our pain, instead of our growth... it's like trying to grow a dying animal. You can talk to it and try to convince it to heal all you want, but if give it water... clean and wrap its wounds, but it doesn't have the spirit in it to live... it won't live, no matter what you do. Sometimes, giving it a safe and comfortable place to heal can cause it to bounce back stronger... but it has to have that desire to fight within it.
So when I let my client go... I was honoring herself AND myself... I'm not going to continue to try to nurture a critter who doesn't want to heal. And I pointed her in a few directions that might be better suited. When you stand for yourself, you stand for your boundaries, you are also doing a favor for the other person. No one else is going to choose you every single time. They can't. It's not reasonable or healthy to expect it.
But that's why it's so important to know what you want, be clear on what you want out of your life, your job, your home, your relationships, because it allows you to say today, "I choose me."
And choose to heal EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
That's where Sacred Life Comes in... creating a plan to KNOW what you can do to feel better, so when you DON'T feel good, you already know what you're going to do for yourself so you CAN feel better. Sometimes, just having a PLAN makes you feel better.
Let's get you a plan. Register for your free assessment. I'll meet you where you are, give you resources that can help. Here's the link:
Hi there! I'm Christine DeGennaro, author of Sacred Life List Method and Courting the Universe, and I'm a Self-Balance Alchemist who helps introverted women reprogram their mindset and redesign their future. Contact me with questions!

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