Episode 52: Frisky Friday- Why Your Flaws Make You Perfect

1 year ago

This is the podcast for career and family-minded introverted women who love caring for others but are ready to restore balance by learning to take care of themselves without the guilt. We're all about self-love, law of attraction, and manifesting so you can learn how to reprogram their mindset and redesign their future. Get ready for your daily dose of love and caffeination!

Flaws make you perfect.
We all have what we perceive as "flaws." Maybe our skin isn't perfect, or our bodies aren't aging as gracefully as we would like. Maybe we're procrastinators, or obsessive personalities. Perhaps we "lack backbone" to stand up for ourselves.

I know I'm a slow processor. I like taking time to process answers, paperwork, phone calls. It's one of the reasons why I automate most of my business! However, let me let you in on a secret.

Your flaws make you UNIQUE. And your flaws make you YOU. You lack boundaries because you love hard and deeply. You want to make others happy. You procrastinate because you want the project to be perfect, so you wait until the last minute, so you don't have that extra time to mess it up. Your obsessive personality can be your superpower if you can harness it and use it in a healthy way. And your body flaws? You are perfect just the way you are. In fact, I think we have to set a standard on natural beauty, and the more women who embrace it can help show the world that the world can embrace it, too.

My programs don't fix your flaws. They help you accept them, embrace them, love them, and improve them gently.

Let's get you a plan. Register for your free assessment. I'll meet you where you are, give you resources that can help. Here's the link:



Hi there! I'm Christine DeGennaro, author of Sacred Life List Method and Courting the Universe, and I'm a Self-Balance Alchemist who helps introverted women reprogram their mindset and redesign their future. Contact me with questions!


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