Episode 41: Manifesting Monday

1 year ago

This is the podcast for career and family-minded introverted women who love caring for others but are ready to restore balance by learning to take care of themselves without the guilt. We're all about self-love, law of attraction, and manifesting so you can learn how to reprogram their mindset and redesign their future. Get ready for your daily dose of love and caffeination!
Connecting to self should be part of your daily routine. When it comes to self-care, I really enjoy multi-purposing my tasks... so sometimes I'll use my time in the shower to meditate (do my Soul Scrub!)
It should feel good!!! What are something things you like to do to connect with yourself?
Shower. Meditate. Read. Spend time with friends. Play with your kids. Play with your pets. (I have a free resource with 101 ideas that can help you if you're still stuck! Register for the Assessment below so I know to send it to you!)
Not sure where to start?
That's where Sacred Life Comes in... creating a plan to KNOW what you can do to feel better, so when you DON'T feel good, you already know what you're going to do for yourself so you CAN feel better. Sometimes, just having a PLAN makes you feel better.
Let's get you a plan. Register for your free assessment. I'll meet you where you are, give you resources that can help. Here's the link:
Hi there! I'm Christine DeGennaro, author of Sacred Life List Method and Courting the Universe, and I'm a Self-Balance Alchemist who helps introverted women reprogram their mindset and redesign their future. Contact me with questions!

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