1 year ago

Give the Body Time to Rest, Periodically

The most common healthy dosing regimen for Bio-Identical HGH Injections is to take five days and two days off. Spreading the injections out five days per week prevents the body from being flooded with too much Growth Hormone at any one week. It is seen as essential to take two days off per week because there is medical evidence that if the body receives too much exogenous HGH too often, then the pituitary starts to produce even less Human Growth Hormone as a result.

This is a temporary side-effect, but taking a break from HGH each week keeps the pituitary gland functioning at a higher capacity, slowing the rate at which benefits subside after a complete therapy cycle.

Human Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy is one of the most promising treatments available today regarding health, wellness, and longevity. Avoiding HGH Overdose and the symptoms of Growth Hormone Abuse should be one of your most important considerations if you engage in Bio-Identical HGH Treatments.

Although specific side effects are relatively common when Growth Hormone is abused, most patients experience few to no side effects due to treatment other than those associated with how the body responds at the injection site. A small minority of patients may experience slight irritation or rash due to the standard injection procedure, but no danger is involved.

If you experience those symptoms, we recommend you talk to your doctor and adjust your dose. For nearly one hundred percent of patients, shrinking the dose or switching to a two-injection per day completely eradicates this medical issue. Irritation and rash are generally avoided by cycling the administration sites to not over-agitate one particular body area.

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