Blue Collar StartUp - Episode 21: Mark Miller (Performance Industrial)

2 years ago

In this episode, our host Mike Nelson interviews Mark Miller - his old boss, and the main man behind Performance Industrial! They talk about the struggles early businesses face and how they overcame them, Mark's well-studied practices and methods, and even how Mark overcame a complete relabeling and brand change! You won't want to miss this informative episode!

Welcome to Blue Collar StartUp, the podcast!

Our Mission is Simple: To facilitate the growth and development of Blue Collar businesses. We will showcase REAL Blue Collar businesses in interviews, and use these stories to help educate and empower the next generation of trades workers to become Blue Collar business owners!

Mark Miller - Performance Industrial

00:16 - Introduction
00:48 - A Brief History of Mark Miller: Trucking Right Out of High School!
03:51 - Getting Dirty with Americlean: You’ve Got to Have a Plan!
04:56 - The E-Myth: A Revelation! Plan it Smart and the Stress Melts Away!
09:08 - Is Consulting Worth It? Yes - If You Really Learn From It!
12:03 - There’s So Much to Learn: So Learn the Right Stuff!
13:57 - Mike’s Claim to Fame: Being Fired by Mark?!
16:27 - Are You Meant to Work For Someone Else? Find Out!
17:56 - Hiring? Don’t Use Indeed - Go to Sandy’s Clam Bar!
18:33 - From Americlean to Performance Industrial: Why the Rebrand?
20:22 - Every Company is a Performance: From Front Stage to Back!
22:34 - Shifting Focus: What to Consider
26:12 - Building a Company: All About Personal Communication, Before AND After the Internet!
29:08 - Marketing is Powerful… But to a Greenhorn, Selling is So Much More!
31:08 - The Golden Phrase: Make it Happen!
33:42 - The Button: “I’ll Make it Happen!”
34:46 - Mark’s Biggest Challenge… Himself! If You Don’t Become Better, You Become Bitter!
36:13 - Mark’s Biggest Mistake: Hiring the Wrong People! Make Choices Carefully, At Work and at Home!
37:37 - Work Ethic: It’s Easy to Criticize, But Everyone is Motivated Differently!
41:24 - Things Have Changed… But For the Better! There’s Nothing Wrong With Safety and Life Balance!
41:59 - The Value of College: Very Dependent! Think it Over First!
43:52 - School Teaches You the Core Skills… But Nothing About Entrepreneurship or Salesmanship!
45:31 - Not Going to College Doesn’t Mean Burger-Flipping! Make Your Own Success!
47:23 - Mark’s Key Piece of Advice: Connect With Other Business Owners! Success Leaves Clues!
50:01 - Closing Remarks: How to Get in Touch

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