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Deception in the End Times Part 8: Satan's Challenge

2 years ago

The dark ages saw Western Europe deteriorate culturally and economically and the Roman Catholic Church become the preeminent state religion. This message is a historical fact finding mission that will give you insight as to why Satan has so much power and why he was able to build up an apostate church.

The Bible says that God is proving His righteousness through the creation of mankind because He was accused by Lucifer of being unfair. Satan seduced one third of the angels to rebel against God and there was a great war that spanned the entire universe. In the trial that followed their defeat, they were sentenced to the Lake of Fire. Lucifer appealed the verdict and accused God of being unrighteous which lead to the creation of mankind.

God has been challenged by the Devil and the book of Romans says that He is proving His righteousness through humanity. The Church's main weakness comes from the fact that it is made up of redeemed sinners who can still be tempted by the Devil but the Holy Spirit is in charge of ministering to believers in Christ and together we can defeat Satan's plans. It is therefore crucial to walk with God as the end times draw near.
Sermon Outline: https://eaec.org/sermons/2013/RLJ-1409.pdf

RLJ-1409 -- SEPTEMBER 15, 2013

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