금홍아 금홍아 My dear KeumHong(Geumhong-a Geumhong-a) 1995

1 year ago

This is the true story of the Fauvist painter Bon-woong and Lee Sang, the poet and writer. The story takes place during the period of Japanese Imperialism in Korea. It tells the tale of the life and loves of one peculiar poet. In 1932, Bon-wwong returned from studying fine arts in Japan. He is known as a painter of the Fauvism school of the Art. At the first successful exhibition of his works, he meets a young man, Lee Sang, a poet with really queer character. Soon Lee Sang and Bon-woong become close friends, and they meet almost every day and enjoy all kinds of interesting and usual events. Lee Sang goes to visit Backchon (a health resort) for medical treatment. Bon-woong follow him. At Backchon, Lee and Bon-woong meet Gumhong (a famous waitress) and both fall in love with her. Lee loves Gumhong physically, vulgarly, and indecently. On the contrary, Bon-woong loves her spiritually and platonically with respect. So, he can do nothing but watch the torrid love affair between Lee and Gumhong.

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