Ammach Project Archives CHANTELLE PYPER Interview Series 25 August 2011 1 2 39' 16 10 22

2 years ago

In re-editing these videos, I also learn again, about these fascinating experiences, and the context of them. Essentially, I am tidying up the audio - editing for a better flow and comprehension of what is being conveyed, which is a huge job, an arduous undertaking.

This honing of an initial two segment interview shows better here, the intensity of what a life long experiencer, and her family - particularly her one child who is also, it seems of the same natural born skill set of telepathy, sight telepathy, remote viewing and premonitions go through.

I have to reiterate once more just how important it is for people to appreciate what it takes for some people to come forward and share their testimony for all to see. There is a lot more to the experiences than just over an hour here will bring you, but it will give you a snapshot of what life is like. There are no answers either, but this case involves military and intelligence agency interest, of that I believe there can be no doubt given the history, as you will hear something of.

So what is being kept from you, and all the rest of humanity that rogue governments keep information about - like the history of humanity's evolution with ongoing other dimensional aspects, along with the myriad other intelligences that undoubtedly abound in this one small universe.

Disclosure with Exposure is the hamster wheeeeel employed here...I hope you find it of interest, and Like - Subscribe and Share.

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