Pick My Next COMICSGATE Review (Runoff Round)!!!

1 year ago

The first round of votes are in, and the winners are clear: Irene Strychalski, Jon Malin, and Ethan Van Sciver will be competing with one another to be the subject of my next review! Vote at the links provided!

Twitter poll: https://twitter.com/MichaelJPartyka/status/1594976547294908417
Gab poll: https://gab.com/MichaelJPartyka/posts/109386604350634543

Remember, you can vote in both polls!

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/MichaelJPartyka
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4GDKktgJp615vti90W23pA
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#Comics #Comicsgate #Review

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