
1 year ago





#shorts #习近平 #朝鲜化 #胡锦涛 #中共 #中共二十大




#shorts #習近平 #朝鮮化 #胡錦濤 #中共 #中共二十大

Hu Jintao gave Xi Jinping three great favors. The first great favor was when determining the sequence of successors. Xi Jinping was not the first general secretary candidate of the Jiang faction. But Hu Jintao did not go to pieces with the Jiang faction and pushed Li Keqiang to be the top leader. Instead, he chose to attack Bo Xilai and fulfilled Xi Jinping. It has created the most important conditions for Xi Jinping to come to power.

The second big favor was the transfer of power at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Hu Jintao resigned from all positions, and handed over all the power of the party, government, and military to Xi Jinping. In terms of candidates for the Standing Committee and the Politburo, he also tried his best to meet Xi’s requirements and let Xi Jinping To take control of the supreme power quickly and unfettered.

The third great favor is that after Xi Jinping came to power, he continued to centralize power within the party, using the Politburo to overshadow the Standing Committee, and using the Central Working Group to seize power in the hands of officials from the League. In the face of Xi Jinping's continuous aggression, Hu Jintao, citing the overall stability and unity of the party as an excuse, suppressed the regimental officials to resist, causing Xi Jinping's personal power to expand without any resistance, until he finally became a tiger.

Xi Jinping's dictatorship can be said to have been hatched and facilitated by Hu Jintao. Hu Jintao wanted to convince people with virtue, but in the end, he raised a tiger. It is hoped that Xi Jinping will appreciate Hu's contributions and treat him well in his final years.

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