A Woman of Many Hats

2 years ago

No, I am not schizophrenic I just own many hats. I love play acting because getting into a costume brings out the child in you. I don't want to loose that. Also costumes for themed parties or events adds an extra touch and helps everyone to get into the child-like spirit which makes the party or event even more fun.

If you need a costume for a play, skit, party or special event? I rent costumes to those who live local to me in Darlington County, SC.

If you need a costume for a party, an event, a VBS program, a masquerade party, a themed birthday party contact me.

Costume Themes that I have:

Victorian Period for men, women & children all ages
Princess Costumes a variety from different periods
Robin Hood Costume for a girl & Wolf hood & tail
King & Queen Costumes
Knights from the Dark Ages
Prairie & Western Costumes
Beauty & The Beast: Mrs. Pots & Chip
Wizard of Oz: The Cowardly Lion, The Wicked Witch
Cruella De Vill costume
Court Jester or Joker
Pirate Costumes variety including hats

Medieval Period: King, Queen, Prince & Princesses, Court Chancellor, Knights, Guards, Common people, also a few props

Biblical Costumes : Shepherds Costumes for both men and boys, Angels, Samson, Queen Ester, David, Noah, John the Baptist, Egyptian Pharoh & Egyptian Queen

Country /State Theme Costumes: Japan, Bolivia, India, England, Hawaiin, Egyptian,

Roman Soldier: I have a collection of three different small armies for a VBS Program or School Play

Colonial Period: I have over 30 costumes (including wigs & hats) for men, women, & children to put on a VBS program or to do a School Play

The Ugly Duckling Play I have all the costumes for each character also a few props

and probably more that I can't remember

I also am willing to sew costumes for a price

You can find my contact information on my About Me tab on my channels main page.

If you would like to thank me for creating useful content please consider the "Thank You" button below the video or send a monetary gift to one of the following links:
Cash App $DeborahJCarmona
Venmo @Debra-Carmona-06

I have a current fund raiser ongoing to build me a Crafting Cottage. All donations will go to that project.

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