Costumes to Rent

2 years ago

If you need a costume for a play, skit, party or special event? I rent costumes to those who live local to me in Darlington County, SC.

If you need a costume for a party, an event, a VBS program, a masquerade party, a themed birthday party contact me.

Costume Themes that I have:

Victorian Period for men, women & children all ages
Princess Costumes a variety from different periods
Robin Hood Costume for a girl & Wolf hood & tail
King & Queen Costumes
Knights from the Dark Ages
Prairie & Western Costumes
Beauty & The Beast: Mrs. Pots & Chip
Wizard of Oz: The Cowardly Lion, The Wicked Witch
Cruella De Vill costume
Court Jester or Joker
Pirate Costumes variety including hats

Medieval Period: King, Queen, Prince & Princesses, Court Chancellor, Knights, Guards, Common people, also a few props

Biblical Costumes : Shepherds Costumes for both men and boys, Angels, Samson, Queen Ester, David, Noah, John the Baptist, Egyptian Pharoh & Egyptian Queen

Country /State Theme Costumes: Japan, Bolivia, India, England, Hawaiin, Egyptian,

Roman Soldier: I have a collection of three different small armies for a VBS Program or School Play

Colonial Period: I have over 30 costumes (including wigs & hats) for men, women, & children to put on a VBS program or to do a School Play

The Ugly Duckling Play I have all the costumes for each character also a few props

and probably more that I can't remember

If you would like to thank me for creating useful content please consider the "Thank You" button below the video or send a monetary gift to one of the following links:
Cash App $DeborahJCarmona
Venmo @Debra-Carmona-06

I have a current fund raiser ongoing to build me a Crafting Cottage. All donations will go to that project.

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