you upgraded yer phone...that's why they did this

2 years ago

they have no idea that i'm filming them
i still get so sad
i just ate a chocolate cookie
i lost my last vehicle to my vagina
chevy aveo, 2nd vehicle i've totalled (rip fiona)
whenever the man in my head takes over my driving is impeccable
sara dalton is an insanely good comic
very rare for a woman to have self-awareness
women's rights...whore mones
i never wrote it down, oh well
the black n white really brings out my freckles
they haven't discovered the power of essential oils
crystals, astrology, therapists, smartphones
they can guarantee that pretty much everyone will just go along w/ it
yer crazy anti-vax fren (moi)
they really are dead w/out their phone
so much anxiety surrounding this device
it's nowhere near as creepy as society being totally fine w/ it
we deserve the AI to nuke our ass
annihilation of humanity is totally chill
technology is why i'm no longer a libertarian
consciousness is key
the radiation ain't shit compared to the social retardation
i got 500,000 heads, man
thinkin for those that aren't doin that

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