349 Then Shall They See The Son of Man Coming (Luke 21:25-57) 1 of 2

1 year ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) Evangelical Christian media is slowly embracing Sodom and accommodating "pro-gay" professing Christians. (2) Artemis mission Orion craft will do a flyby of the Moon, today. We discuss how this plays into Bible prophecy as our study will show...

In our study, we discuss the signs to come including IN the sun, IN the moon and IN the stars, as well as the inability of the godless end time generation to deal with what is coming without "sorcery" (DRUGS) that will alter the mind. All of this is leading up to the coming of Jesus Christ!

Also Reference: Revelation 9:20-21, 2 Peter<br /> 3:9-18.


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