237.45 MPH Quadcopter Flyby - XLR V3 Orange Gone Plaid

1 year ago

More for the sound since you can't see it. Fastest flyby during practice run of the orange frame. Not sure why this one sounds different than the other frames. Full FPV video is here: https://youtu.be/wiMAj349Wmk

Link to Blackbox log file:

Being the second attempt at this, all evidence should pass Guinness review this time around.

Previous attempt was in 2018: https://youtu.be/GlELt3KM_OU)

World's fastest unofficial top speed was set with the XLR V2: https://youtu.be/3aoq8HxHOSo

More info on the record attempt will soon be available here: quad-star-drones.com

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