Want To SEE What You're DOING?!?! - Engraving - Inlay Microscope Review

2 years ago

Not Bad!!

⭐Buy This Microscope Direct - https://bit.ly/3seUjSA - (5% off discount code VVSALE5)
⭐Buy On Amazon - https://amzn.to/3UbnfGH

🛠 Other Notable Items and Tools:
Mini Vise - https://amzn.to/3zJZjmc
Brass Jaws - https://amzn.to/3zKPnJf
Digital Camera/Microscope - https://amzn.to/3oyT2nb
Rotary Tool - https://amzn.to/3PwpFxH
Rotary Collets - https://amzn.to/3J55dlf
Carbide Bur (round 1/4) - https://lascodiamond.com/LascoDental-FG-Carbide.html

🔸Become a RBO Patron - https://www.patreon.com/RedBeardOps

📹How To Videos:
DIY Disc Grinder - https://youtu.be/680VFZ8Tm1g
Homemade 30 Ton Press - https://youtu.be/q58iInuNtRY
DIY Heat Treat Oven - https://youtu.be/7FalYyVASyw

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The information provided on this channel is for entertainment purposes only. Any action you as the viewer takes upon the information on this channel is strictly at your own risk, and Red Beard Ops LLC will not be liable for any losses, damages, or personal injuries in connection with the use of this content (including injuries, damages, or losses sustained while you were trying to emulate the actions and projects on this channel). Attempting to emulate any of the actions or projects put forth by this channel should not be done without training and even then, at your own risk.

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