Classic Bill Cooper Teaching - Alister Crowley Influencer & Influences

1 year ago

Aleister Crowley was a self-aggrandizing occultist from a puritanical Christian family who developed a thirst for outraging others early on. Adolescents of every generation want to overthrow the system and transgress, only this decadent teenager that read Baudelaire and Huysmans was radicalized, he added a ’K’ to the spelling of magic to differentiate his own variety, and went on to establish his own magical order of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.).

However, the notorious Illuminatus posh boy would eventually end his infamous life of evil penniless in a post-war Hasting. His power seemingly gobbled up by the heroin he was addicted to.

By the end of his life, black magic was out of fashion, he couldn’t get a gig; no one wanted a Satanist anymore. Yet as the decades that followed after his death faded into each other and the original 1950s teenager made way for the revolutionary ’60s, the Teenager grew restless and began seeking more to rebel against.

This unsatisfied generation was angry that the promise of liberty that modernity offered was not to be. Crowley’s doctrine ‘Do What Thou Wilt’ started to ring true once more for a generation desperate for a new spiritual savior. Along with the Beats, existentialism, and counterculture, an occult revival was imminent.

Excerpt from Bill Cooper

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