Borrowed Time

1 year ago

The credit market is drying up. Corporate bonds issued by fortune 500 companies are not being sold. This lack of liquidity means that borrowing and lending are both difficult. This is the core of all markets and the global financial system. Debt is how the entire world operates. When a fortune 500 company can not raise funds, there is a problem. Right now that is happening- the last time we saw this was in 2018 and the fed pivoted.

China and Japan are the largest holders of US debt and they are selling it. This is causing interest rates to spike. When the cost of money becomes expensive, companies fail and this eventually causes a domino effect. Crypto is front-running the traditional markets. What we see happening in crypto is going to happen in the traditional markets, and when it does the central banks will be forced to pivot. Will they act promptly? Because if they don't we could be facing some real problems.

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I am an investor in XRP, I have NEVER worked with Ripple the company.

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