Learn a Gaelic song - Oidhche mhath leibh - Good night to you.

1 year ago

Ye Olde Scot - the Celtic culture channel.
Learn a Gaelic Song - Good night to you, sung by Mary ann Kennedy
A Gaelic 'parting song' of the 1890s composed by Iain MacPhaidein of Mull. He is quoted in his song as "Not an instrument played wakens my thoughts with happiness as songs from the lips of maidens - Goodnight and blessings with you." He is imparting how he feels as a loved one is leaving, over and over he instills his blessings on them and recounts happier times. They are going forth to forge a new life and that is why this song resonates with modern weddings. It is a story of love and blessings.

Gaelic Lyrics with English below
Oidhche Mhath Leibh - Good night to you,

Soiridh leibh 's oidhche mhath leibh
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh;
Guidheam slàinte ghnàth bhi mar ruibh;
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh.

Cha'n 'eil inneal ciùil a ghleusar,
Dhùisgeas smuain mo chléibh gu aoibh
Mar ni duan 'o bheòil nan caileag;
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh.

'S guth gu 'm chridhe pong nan òran,
Caidir sòlais òigridh 'seinn;
Aiteal ciùin air làithean m'òige;
Sonas a bhi'n còmhnuidh leibh.

Soiridh leibh 's oidhche mhath leibh
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh;
Guidheam slàinte ghnàth bhi mar ruibh;
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh.

Mathair uisge 'n tobair fhìoruisg',
Cainnt ar sinnsir brìgh na loinn;
'S faochadh tlàth o ànradh m'inntinn,
'Nuair bheir rann na glinn a'm chuimhn',

Grian cha laidh an nochd air mìltean,
Leis am binn a fuinn 's a roinn,
'S do'm bi'n sgeul 'na mhór thoil-inntinn
Dh'innseas dhaibh gu'n robh sinn cruinn.

Soiridh leibh 's oidhche mhath leibh
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh;
Guidheam slàinte ghnàth bhi mar ruibh;
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh.

Astar cuain cha dean ar sgaradh,
'S dùrachd daimh am bannaibh toinnt';
Gleidh an t-àgh na dh'fhàg a bheannachd;
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh.

Thuit ar crann air saoghal carach;
'S coma sud, tha 'mhaitheas leinn;
"Bidh sinn béo an dòchas ra-mhath,"
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh.

Soiridh leibh 's oidhche mhath leibh
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh;
Guidheam slàinte ghnàth bhi mar ruibh;
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh. X2
English Lyrics-

Farewell and goodnight to you,
Goodnight and blessings upon you;
let me wish health always to be with you,
Goodnight to you and blessings upon you.

There is not a musical instrument that is played
Which awakens the thoughts of my heart to joy
As does a song from the lips of the lassies,
Goodnight and blessings upon you.

A voice to my heart is the gong of songs,
A group of young people singing;
Calm air in the days of my youth;
Happiness to live with you.

Farewell and goodnight to you,
Goodnight and blessings upon you;
let me wish health always to be with you,
Goodnight to you and blessings upon you.

Mother of water in the spring of pure water,
Our ancestors spoke of the meaning of the pond;
And a mild relief from the torpor of my mind,
'When the verse of the valleys reminds me',

The sun will not shine in the evening for thousands,
With the sentence to tune and share,
And the story will be a great pleasure
They will be told that we were gathered.

Farewell and goodnight to you,
Goodnight and blessings upon you;
let me wish health always to be with you,
Goodnight to you and blessings upon you.

An ocean's distance will not separate us,
And the earnestness of an ox in their twisted bonds;
The young man kept what his blessing left;
Good night, goodbye.

Our tree fell on a character's world;
And like you, it's good with us;
"We'll be hoping for the best,"
Good night, goodbye.

Farewell and goodnight to you,
Goodnight and blessings upon you;
let me wish health always to be with you,
Goodnight to you and blessings upon you.

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