Rachel Reeves criticises chancellor for not changing non-dom tax rules&&

1 year ago

'How can he possibly claim this is fair? He refuses to act and I wonder why? Maybe that was the only policy he can't get signed off by No 10 Downing Street,' Reeves said in an apparent reference to the prime minister, Rishi Sunak, whose wife was previously revealed to have claimed non-dom tax status in the UK
Autumn statement 2022: key points at a glance.

'How can he possibly claim this is fair? He refuses to act and I wonder why? Maybe that was the only policy he can't get signed off by No 10 Downing Street,' Reeves said in an apparent reference to the prime minister, Rishi Sunak, whose wife was previously revealed to have claimed non-dom tax status in the UK
Autumn statement 2022: key points at a glance.

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