EASY BUILD Angle Grinder Stand - step by step guide by VOGMAN

2 years ago

Homemade DIY Angle Grinder Stand EASY build with free PLANS. I needed an angle grinder stand that was easy to build, cheap on materials, accurate and achievable quickly. I came up with a Plywood Grinder Stand that ticked all the boxes!
I could have bought an off-the-shelf stand, but I’ve had poor experiences with them in the past. Other YouTubers seemed to have stands that were made of metal or too complex for my needs. So I came up with this really easy-build plywood stand… and I’m going to show you how I made it.
Its appearance is bulky, yes, but it structurally very strong and it allows for precise, square cuts every time. Mine cost me nothing as it was made with off-cuts and items I already had lying around, but even if I bought the plywood and bolts it would have been half the price of a cheap shop-bought stand.
The design is adaptable for any model and you can shape and trim the frame if aesthetics are important to you.
If you can glue and clamp, you can build this very versatile tool.
Obviously angle grinders and wood are not ideal companions. Grinders spin at high speed and rely on friction - and that's a perfect way to generate fire. But if you're sensible (and if you're not, don't play with angle grinders) you'll be fine.

You can also download a free cutting guide on my website here :

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