Jan 14, 2006 🎺 The Lord commands... Proclaim NOT the Hell of the Churches of Men! Satan is the Tormentor

1 year ago

Text & Audio... https://awakeningforreality.com/verkuendet-nicht-die-hoelle-der-kirche-der-menschen-proclaim-not-the-hell-of-the-church-of-men-trumpetcallofgodonline/
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Final Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
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Proclaim NOT the Hell of the Churches of Men! Satan is the Tormentor

January 14, 2006 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for all Those who have Ears to hear

Thus says The Lord… Listen, all you churches of men! Shall I, even I, torment My beloved, those who are continually tormented by he who is torment and has torment in his vesture?!… Satan is the Tormentor!

By your own mouths have you unknowingly called your God, satan! Repent therefore, and mend your ways and your doings! Forsake all your corrupt and evil teachings! Become again a child of God, and learn to walk uprightly in Me, leading others to Love, by love, not fear.

My children, the second death is that grave from which one shall not be raised nor awakened. For they have been cast out, abiding in outer darkness, forever separated from God and their part in life. These know nothing at all, returning to that from which they were formed.

Beloved, this is the eternal state of My punishment, for those who have chosen death, for they have rejected The Gift wherein is life everlasting. So then those under condemnation are dead; in no way are they part of the living, nor are they living in torment. Their inheritance is lost, they have been blotted out, broken vessels of dishonor received by the earth once again.

Therefore, stop blaspheming your God! And have greater understanding of My mercy, which endures forever!… For My Son did sleep in the lower parts of the earth, His tomb, for three days and three nights. By no means did He descend into the evils of man’s imaginings… He is The Pure Light! Never has He had any part in darkness! Behold, He shall destroy it utterly, for He is risen!…

And all those who believe in Him and walk in His ways shall also rise and live, meeting Him in the air; And forever shall they be with their Lord and their God, where all shall find mercy and love.

The Lord explains… My Judgment & Mercy

August 28, 2010 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Lord’s Words spoken to Timothy, during an Online Fellowship – For a Brother in Christ, and for all Those who have Ears to hear – Regarding the judgment of those who are raised at the end of the thousand years

Thus says The Lord… In the Consummation, all judged, according to their works, will surely die… For none are saved by works…

Yet if in that day, one calls upon The Name of Salvation, in true repentance, with sincere remorse in their hearts, they will not be judged… They will pass from judgment into life… Even as you, even as those before them… For I am The Lord God, whose mercy is without end… For the Promise is never-ending… And all, who come to Me, will I in no wise turn away.

Yet understand this… I look upon the heart, and know the truth of the words which the mouth speaks, for the heart can not lie. Therefore, many will cry out in that day, great multitudes will call on My name for mercy, yet those appointed to death will receive their due reward, and those appointed to life will enter therein… This is judgment and mercy, according to truth.

Therefore, when the multitudes are judged, they will indeed be judged according to their works, for the books will be opened and their works will be made known… Even every idle word will be examined and accountability assigned. And they will be repaid according to their deeds, in which they have condemned themselves. Yet those who humble themselves before Me, taking responsibility for their works, confessing their deeds with great remorse before The Holy One, calling on His name, will surely receive mercy of another kind…

For The Holy One and His works now stand in their place, interceding on their behalf… And His works are life, and not death. His works cast out judgment… Where only Salvation and Life remain, with arms wide open.

Behold, My son, you shall be there, and many others with you. And you shall stand outside the gates testifying, testifying with a loud voice before the multitude… Lo, you shall judge angels and wicked men alike… You shall shout The Lord’s proclamation, even in concert, with one voice.

And some will come out from among the multitude, and many more will be condemned. The condemned shall go into silence and rest from their deeds, departing from the evil in which they had walked, for it has wearied them. And they shall rest, being blotted out forevermore, for even in the destruction of the wicked is My mercy revealed… But the newly redeemed shall enter the city, being met with much rejoicing.

Thus have I spoken it, so shall it be done. Behold, The Maker of Heaven and Earth has spoken to His servant, whom He loves, and has given him that glimpse to ease his troubled heart…

Trust in My glory, and seek no more to understand My Word according to the letter, nor grab hold of it as though it can be fully grasped by any man. Rather seek to know Me, as I am… From this knowledge does understanding flow into the hearts, of all those who love Me… And they shall have peace, for I have loved them. For My will is that they come to dwell in My love, and know Me as I am… For the revelation of My love is understanding, opening the door to true knowledge of who I am.

Therefore, rest in My love, and seek first The Kingdom and My righteousness… And watch how quickly all these things are added to you… I am The Lord.

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