The Metaverse is the matrix within the matrix…

1 year ago

The Metaverse is the matrix within the matrix…

I now understand the WEF’s agenda 2030 phrase: “You will own nothing but you will be happy”.

They are creating an artificial universe for the masses to be hooked up to, whilst the elite gets to own the entire planet (Agenda 2030 sets out the creation of ‘Human Settlement Zones’ whilst clearing the majority of land from humans. They want to catalogue everything in nature as part of their inventory of ownership)

If you were Satan what would be your greatest achievement? I would think it would be to create a fake ‘universe’ and lure humanity into it and away from everything that the Creator created. If on top of it you genetically modify us, you have basically defiled God’s creation entirely. Would that not be Satan’s perfect coup?

We are in the midsts of a spiritual war between good and evil. Luckily we are beginning to see evil’s plans for what they are.

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