PACIFIC414: Three Year Anniversary on YouTube Stream

2 years ago

Welcome ONE and ALL to the three year anniversary of the PACIFIC414 channel here on YouTube.

Tonight, I will discuss the past, present and future of the channel with all of you while inviting everyone to join the discussion on an open panel or in the chat!

Let's have some fun and while we're at it, let's talk about our favorite movies, television shows, anime, hobbies, comics, video games and baseball (for those of us who like such a thing)!!

The only rule I ask not to be broken is talking about politcs. Do not bring in up, mentiontion it make any conversation political. Anyone who does will be given a timeout.

Thank You all for your tremendous support of the channel these past three year and let's see the channel grow more in the future.

Subscribe to @Daswolfen @Woopah Troopah @Baron Orman Tagge @The_Smoking_Patriot @StephenRansom @Phantom Hooligans @Everest Productions @The Nerdporeal Lifeform @RaquelSSG2211 @Black Dragon @Dalek451 @Jetsparx373 @Tim's Talk @Brandon The Anime Guy @Phil TMNT @Anono mas @The Star Wars Guys @JOKER VOICE

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