G20, COP27, Information War - UK Column News - 18th November 2022

1 year ago

- Bali: G20 statement calls for vaccine passports, more CBDC development, carbon pricing and more mRNA vaccine technology transfer
British version of this digital-ID-to-travel: NHS Covid Pass
Economic Times (India): Bank of England considering CBDC
UK Column archive: Iain Davis analyses carbon trading
- G20 statement also calls for commodity data
NHS England already loosening who can handle patient data digitally
Tom Forbes reports that Infosys has leaked over a year's worth of data keys from leading US hospital Johns Hopkins
Indian Express: Co-founder of Infosys is Rishi Sunak's father-in-law
UK Column was reporting Common Purpose and Indian data linkages a full decade ago
- G20 statement heavy on the fight against "disinformation"
- EU's de-facto embassy to the UK publishes Ukraine war "disinformation and manipulation" lessons learned
- Vanessa Beeley commentary: This is part of an EU External Action Service partnership with Britain on information management
To no-one's surprise, the Foreign Office's Andy Pryce is involved
The Grayzone's archive on Pryce: a close chum of Paul Mason
- EU has a 2022 Code of Practice on Disinformation that includes cutting off funds from wrongthinkers ("demonetisation"), "empowering fact-checking", and a "transparency centre"
- COP27 also had a statement on "misinformation"


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