BabyMonkey (ALBA) & the NON-STOP TORTURE from her VERY OWN MOTHER (ANNA)!!!!

1 year ago

Anyone who possesses a "somewhat" 'GENERAL' understanding of the whole "monkey scene" (mainly in Cambodia) but the same "scene" has grown out of control on the "video-sharing" platform known as the (BackStabbing) (DIRTY) YouTube Platform, well then you undoubtedly have stumbled across a infant female long tailed macaque by the name of "ALBA", and her (BALL-BUSTING) mother "ANNA".
To this day, ALBA remains the ONLY monkey I have EVER SEEN to not only (BEG) using her hands (PERFECTLY making the "BEGGING/PRAYING" gesture with BOTH HER HANDS) but to also (BEG) using her mouth, (ACTUALLY sounding out the word "PLEASE"!). It can be witnessed on NUMEROUS DIFFERENT occasions during ALL of the (unsuccessful), (FUTILE) attempts by little (ALBA) when she tries her HARDEST in BEGGING her mother, (ANNA), to allow her to nurse, unfortunately though, ANNA does not give in easily by no means!!!
"ANNA" is actually ONE OF THE HIGHEST RANKING FEMALES in her TROOP, and it shows, from the way she prefers to ALWAYS be a "LONER" & a life of SOLITUDE ALL the to her PARENTING STYLE!! ANNA tends to NEVER TAKE any sort of SHIT from ANYONE (AT ALL!!), ESPECIALLY HER DAUGHTER(S), ALBA, (& also the younger siblings; ARIANA, ANNISA, AYA) !!!!!

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