What is the LGBT Revolution?

2 years ago

Gay marriage was just a soft opening to the real agenda at play.

In a godless society like our one: it’s considered homophobic or transphobic to not want to let your child participate In getting A photo with drag queens and woke Santa.

Coming to a Westfield near you!

If you want a more pictorial explanation
A hairy man with fake boobs in a dress
Expressing and educating his sexual ideology onto babies and minors in a library or shopping mall.

Which is Creeping into the developmental and vulnerable brains of a young person. That’s not embracing new gender identities that’s normalising Grooming, bending morality and arming more pedophiles.

That use to be called a pedophile didn’t it?
It still is!

Changing definitions just like tucking someone’s genitals in and calling it a kangaroo pouch or a lady kebab vagina does not eliminate the fruit of the original meaning. Gender is this either you are a boy or you are a girl regardless of what popular culture wants you to believe!

You can’t erase gender it’s just not biologically possible and good luck to the elect few that try?

You’re going to completely mess a generation up for it!
Every one of those people is gods children and the enemy wants to screw up his perfect design for them!

I’m not sure if you understand what the lgbt revolution is but it’s not just a peaceful uniting front wanting to wave there flag around this city they want your children to be opposites

They wants your sons to become gay
And your daughters to become hores and sell themselves on only fans!

The revolution wants to erase life as we know it I’m telling you now

If everybody became gay we wouldn’t have a beautiful thriving population globally of over 8 billion people today!

Biology is always king when it comes to families!

As a church member I cannot stand idly by and see this devastating new normal!

Fundamentally the revolution wants to kick God and faith out of Australia! And there is a number of spot fires about what we should and shouldn’t be able to discuss with in the institution of the church!

One complaint to cancel us all?

One complaint of it hurt my feelings and my unusual worldview and the church has to suffer? Sell their values of gender and marriage short And compromise the gospel?

Talk about the true colours of your inclusivity and diversity.

Who’s with me?

They have tried to push the limits ever since the yes vote passed in NSW.

I call for the government to grow a pair come outside and truly represent their constituents out here and reconsider amending the equality act and religious discrimination bill to further protect Christian’s and other religions from this kind of blatant discrimination against traditional marriage!

Enough is enough!

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