a true polemic would shoot in B&W

1 year ago

black n white is just so classic
this is a reflection of the world
jim jarmusch watch out
technicolor was a mistake
the kaleidoscope inside my brain is very rare
i'm not picking up that call
if i dunno who it is, i won't pick up
no money to pay anybody
i can't stop eating fruits n veggies
most people can't stop eating gmos
leftists always have sumin to prove (cos they don't believe in God)
it's not enough to be purchasing _____
you're still a capitalist, damnit
brad and i are a different version of each other
old soul, angry bitter polemic
ag is the crank of the nashville comedy scene
if you don't agree with my solution to the pitbull problem you are a terrible person
if they're gonna attack, give em someone worthy of attacking
blacks and white liberals love their pits
switching lanes on the interstate is such an accomplishment

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