A 500 BILLION $$$ Lawsuit for Telling People to Take Vitamins???

1 year ago


Misinformation.TV sits down with Dr. Eric Nepute.

Dr. Eric Nepute suggested people take Vit. D and Zinc during the exact time that Fauci was trying to push massive fear/vaccines on TV & Social Media. Dr. Nepute's solid advice got picked up by millions on FB in 2020, and that was when the government attacked.

The federal government made Dr. Nepute the very first doctor that they went after with a then unknown law called the Covid Consumer Protection Act. They even wrote in documents that Dr. Nepute violated the act 12 Million times, which holds a 40K dollar fine for each time. The result would be that this doctor who was suggesting people boost their immune system by taking vitamins against Covid, IS BEING FINED FOR A HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS.

A little excessive, don't you think?

But they weren't finished with the beloved Dr. Nepute. The Feds shut down 6 of his banking accounts, his credit card processing, it decreased his business by 75%, they ran horrible media stories in AP and elsewhere about Dr. Nepute slandering him. Searches about Doctor Nepute on Google would result in names like "quack, snake oil, conspiracy theorist chiropractor." This doctor, who has had hundreds of millions follow him on social media and use his products religiously, who has been a staple in Missouri politics and the medical community, found himself completely ostracized and slandered by the federal government, all for suggesting vitamins to fight against Covid.

Which works by the way.

Since 2020 Dr. Eric Nepute has spent his life savings, over 3 Million dollars, fighting #BigGov and #BigPharma.

"We drew our sword against Dr. Nepute, and we are not putting it away until we have blood on our sword."
- Federal Government Officials to Dr. Nepute and his Legal Team

Dr. Eric Nepute has tried to fight this David and Goliath battle on his own since 2020. It is just now that Dr. Nepute is asking for help.

BIO: Dr. Eric Nepute, also known as one the most Censored Doctors in America, is an unapologetic Christian Conservative physician, businessman, Freedom fighting activist, Author, international speaker, and medical researcher. Dr. Eric Nepute has spent the last two decades deep in the true healthcare space. Not only does he own 12 of his own medically integrated offices. He is also involved with Surgical Centers, hospitals, clinical and genetic laboratories, and research organizations all across America. Dr. Nepute Is one of the first doctors to take a stand against the false narrative and over the political location of COVID-19 and the pandemic. Since Covid hit the scene, Dr. Nepute has been traveling the country educating and inspiring people towards killing the spirit of fear and improving their health and well-being. Additionally, Dr. Nepute’s common sense approach to the pandemic has been so spot on, and since almost every prediction that Dr. Nepute given has come true, he has been featured on hundreds of nationally and internationally known media outlets such as daystar, OAN, Fox News, BBC, Israel TV, radio, podcast, and many more. Dr. Nepute has been fighting against Medical Tyranny and Informed Consent for almost 2 decades. He and his team have consulted and worked with hundreds of thousands of people over the last 24 months to help them improve their health and well-being. Additionally, Dr. Nepute has been recognized as a national thought leader by many in the political arena as well. Dr. Nepute has educated and testified in front of many federal and state legislative bodies including working directly with multiple Governor's offices in an effort to help with the pandemic. If you would like to help him or find out more about his story, please go FightWithEric.com

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