Emergencies Act Inquiry: Justice Rouleau appears to be tender-hearted towards man expressing faith

2 years ago

#emergenciesact #emergenciesactinquiry #rouleau
Did Justice Rouleau Show Protective Concern For a Moment Towards Trucker Freedom Convoy Witness Expressing His Faith? Pray for Justice Paul S. Rouleau as he makes important decisions ahead! In this video, Commissioner Rouleau appears to be showing some protective concern for man (trucker) expressing his faith and story. Let's pray that Justice Paul S. Rouleau will make the right decisions! And come to really understand Canadians of all stripes during the Inquiry- to hear their voices, especially the ones who haven't been heard! #freedomconvoy2022 Let's pray for Justice Paul S. Rouleau.
Also, let's pray for Canada! For those whose voices not heard, those who showed courage, those in pain, for freedom convoy, for truckers, and for both counsel and witness here.
Public Order Emergency Commission - Ottawa
Emergencies Act Inquiry - mandate https://publicorderemergencycommission.ca/about/commission-mandate/
thanks (Credit, footage) Myke Nukem, Charity Family youtube channels - footage - freedom convoy - and of Montreal Bible Baptist Church singing Amazing Grace - Freedom Convoy

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