Adolescent Gender Affirmation Normalizing Sex Changes for Kids

1 year ago

Viewer discretion is advised. There is a 100% chance this video is going to trigger you. Today, I'm covering the "gender affirmation" of children as young as 4 years old. What is gender affirmation you ask? Well, that's where delusional and socially pressured parents allow their kids to play make-belief with irreversible and unstudied sex changes and hormone therapies. Let it be known right away that I NOT transphobic, homophobic, or any other BS label you may want to think of if this video triggered you badly. I am arguing that this is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable for children. It's abhorrent and being pushed by a disgusting, financially motivated, minority.

It looks something like this - the child, as seen in this video, as early as 2-4 years old begins expressing emotions and behaviours that they are interested in toys and outfits of the opposite gender. The delusional parent then encourages them that its ok to be different including but not limited to getting 'top-surgery' (mastectomy - removal of breasts), 'bottom-surgery' (removal of genitals or surgery to add parts), or hormone therapies that can block estrogen or add testosterone depending on which gender they want to simulate.

Parents that don't accept that their wildly undeveloped children (the ones who can't vote, drive, drink, consume recreational drugs, or consent to sex) can't possibly make an irreversible medical decision to do this are labelled as transphobic or misogynistic and villainized by a very loud minority that is the absurd movement behind selling children's dignity and bodies in the name of quick money and social acceptance.

An entire industry has cropped up around this social phenomenon including surgeons like who directly target kids with their marketing campaigns on Tik Tok. There is also a thriving business for doctors and phycologists to promote these diagnosis rather than looking at the root cause of these poor children that are often coming from broken homes with poor leadership and occasionally suffering from sexual abuse.

Kids want to fit in. Kids also want to be Astronauts, cats, and dogs when they are little, yet we don't see anyone installing tails on our kids. I believe what has happened here is a psychosis that has captured the weak minded failed parents of today's soft bloated society collapsing in the face of adversity and having hard conversations with their children to explain to them that no, life isn't easy. In fact it's actually pretty hard, and that's a good thing. Adversity and overcoming the social and physical challenges of a teenager is what builds the foundation of skills necessary to thrive later in life.

By giving in to the whims and make-belief of these little kids and villainize anyone that doesn't agree, we are simply sending a class of kid out in to the world that cannot deal with pressure, they can't handle the fact that they aren't always going to be the center of attention, and that they will have to WORK for their rewards. Before you cut your kids balls off or their tits, why not enrol them in a sport or, I don't know, maybe try hugging them. If that doesn't work - GTFO of your current environment and immediately move them to a place that promotes healthy critical thinking. Kids shouldn't be thinking about their god damn genders, they should be playing outside, getting dirty, and socializing with other kids who are awkwardly bumbling through life.

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