13/3/21. The Darkness, the Frogs, and the Two Attorneys

2 years ago

13/3/2021 Timothy Dixon Prophecy (11)
Leaders of this nation will be touched by wonders, signs in the heavens (as in Egypt)
A darkness will come across Washington DC. It shall be felt int he hearts of the leaders.
I’ll cause the leaders to lose their positions.
I shall shake India, Australia (all seven mountains)
I shall cause the rains across Washington DC and it shall being forth frogs.
I’ll cause a great shaking in China (revival).
I’ll bring forth a shaking in Yellowstone.
I’ll bring two Supreme Court Justices to shame (it will be not one that you think).
Fear not the plagues.
I’ll shake every island, there will be monster whirlwinds…
Apply to the blood to the door posts.
I’ll cause a re-election…. some officials will run …. some to punishments and jail.
I’ll cause the fraud to be revealed.
I’ll annoint two attorneys with a fresh annointing who’ll march through the land like Giants. (? Sidney Powell ? .)
I’ll bring a fresh election.
I have chosen Donald Trump.

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