turn your slice into a draw with a right foot trick #shorts

2 years ago

Here's a really good trick that I found that can help you guys get that path and swing direction more out to the right. What you typically have been told when you have a slice is...align your stance more to the right of the target and swing inside out. But if I angle my right foot in toward the fairway, , what ends up happening is the rest of my body gets angled to the left. Your hips are going left, your shoulders are going left, and your forearms are going to the left.

So even though your feet are right, the rest of your body is still pointing to the left. And that makes it really tough to hit a draw. So not only do I want you to align your feet a little bit to the right of the target, but I actually want you to open your right foot a little bit away from the fairway to help exaggerate with this. That forces you hips to get a little bit more closed as you rotate. Your shoulders also tend to rotate a little bit more that way, and then your forearms tend to go a little bit more that way.

Go here to watch the full video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkJRSOVuwrE&t=1250s

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