Ep. #75 Split Second Unlearning: A Theory of Psychophysiological Dis-ease w/ Matt Hudson

1 year ago

Matt Hudson is a Health Coach with over 25 years studying the human mind in different forms including neuroscience and quantum physics. The main principles of Matt’s work are based around these models: Biofield Science, External Screen Model, The Sub-conscious Mind, General Adaption Syndrome, & Non-verbal Communication.

“Split-second Unlearning – A rapid way to clear fear. Like other theories of mind, the SSU model provides a scaffold to support potential explanations of physical ill health. The model combines several psychological and neurological theories to offer a new perspective on the treatment of common mental health issues such as stress and anxiety, as well as more nebulous conditions, such as unexplained pain or fibromyalgia (i.e., chronic primary pain). In brief, SSU proposes that a traumatic past experience is linked with a physiological response.

When a person encounters subsequent ‘reminders’ of that experience, consciously or unconsciously, that physiological response is re-triggered. Over time, the cumulative effect of this low-level yet persistent physical and psychological stress leads to a wide range of symptoms. If the connection between the trigger memory, or ‘reminder’, and the response can be severed, then the symptoms may improve. Having the ability to neutralize a traumatic memory and its associated stress response has significant implications for an individuals’ allostatic load (Peters et al., 2017) and consequently for a wide range of physical and mental health conditions.”

Get the Mind-Reset App: https://mindreset.app/

MindReset App as an Eye Movement-based Emotional Memory Reconsolidation Interference.
In the MindReset app we implement a method we have developed over the past 25 years with tried and tested behavioural change work in private practice. A method we call Split Second Unlearning (SSU), which is based on a process of “unlearning” traumatic responses at the speed in which they were originally created. This is achieved by use of eye tracking to detect the eye pattern of the emotional memory access, followed by destabilization of the emotional memory, then interruption of the eye movement patterns causing a memory reconsolidation interference and finally reassessment of the eye patterns to ensure the intervention was successful.

More of Matt:
🙏🏽 Website: https://matthudson.com/
🙏🏽 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/matthudsoncoach/
🙏🏽 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXhH96Di25Sk4077r0xPwCA
🙏🏽 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ematthudson/?hl=en
🙏🏽 LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/matthudsoncoach

More of Shane:
🙏🏽 Underground Antics Website: https://undergroundantics.com
🙏🏽 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shane-pokroy/
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Produced by: Jason Shapiro

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