Thales Digital ID Wallet - Total Survalance

1 year ago

This Thales digital ID wallet is something that should scare the living crap out of you. They're going to make a sound really interesting, really positive and that it's a must to make your life easier, nothing could be further from the truth. This is the ultimate form of control the digital ID we were talking about, that will incorporate everything from vax pass to medical information, to allowing you entry into public venues, it will be used for your driver's license id, passport ID virtually everything you could think of will be on this wallet. The ultimate form of controlling the population, controlling you and me. Now, this might not happen, if we do not allow it to happen. Get ready for the commercial advertising to start this week and all of 2023 will be the massive push on the digital ID and climate change. Fear mongering after fear mongering.

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