Incognito- One Minute Thriller Short Film (Filmriot/Filmstro Competition)

2 years ago

This was made to be entered into Filmriots one minute short film contest! I'll save most of the details for the behind the scenes video, but this is a project I've had in my mind for a while. When the contest was announced, I knew it would be a good opportunity to use the idea.

I shot this for around $520, which is on the higher end of all my budgets. All of the money went to location rental, gear rental, and gas money. The main reason why I felt okay spending so much on a short thats only a minute, was partially that i really enjoyed the idea of the story, and that the prizes are so significant $500 would be worth it to win it. The whole project was shot in only two and a half hours, but I'll get into that more in the bts/reflection. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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