The Raw Deal (18 November 2022) with William DeBerg

1 year ago

William was a spectacular guest just bristling with opinion, facts, and commentary. It was a pleasure to feature him. Donald Trump's announcement could have had more pizzazz had he come out guns blazing against the theft to the midterms, which was even more grotesque than the theft of 2020. I was not impressed. He suggested the public hasn't caught on to the damage the Democrats are doing to the nation, but the real vote was overwhelmingly in support of the GOP and Trump's own preferred candidates. He has to know better. Meanwhile, the FBI has now acknowledged it has found nothing wrong with Trump's possession of the documents that he had at Mar-a-Lago, where it was just a political stunt to smear him before the midterms. Nothing surprising there. The GOP has at least retaken the House, where Kevin McCarthy has been reelected as its Speaker--in spite of simmering resentment against his leadership and even speculation that the House might elect Trump as Speaker, since the Speaker does not have to be a member of the House. Kari Lake is leading the charge in Arizona, where we could not have a more appropriate champion. I am cautiously optimistic that the blatant nature of the theft on such a massive scale will result in its exposure and reversal of the outcome in AZ, which will also impact the Senate, where Blake Masters, like Kari, has appropriately refused to concede. Every American should do everything they can to assist her in this effort. Send money. Get out on the street. Write to your Congressman. WHATEVER YOU CAN. The fate of the nation hangs in the balance. This truly IS for "all the marbles"!

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