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Niddrie Candidates for the 2022 Victorian State Election

2 years ago

Videos/images of of all 9 candidates for Niddrie for the 2022 Victorian State election.
Videos mostly consist of each candidates own words/images from interviews, advertisements & news reports.

00:00:00 1 - Frank Maugeri (Freedom Party of Victoria)
00:00:12 2 - Joanne Garcia (Family First Victoria)
00:00:24 3 - Holly Kruse (Democratic Labour Party)
00:00:36 4 - Georgia Grammenos (New Democrats)
00:00:48 5 - Alan Youhana (Liberal Party)
00:01:00 6 - Ben Carroll (Labor Party)
00:04:24 7 - Shannon Meilak (Animal Justice Party)
00:06:10 8 - Declan McGinness (The Greens)
00:08:06 9 - Brad Reich (Victorian Socialists)


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