Absolutely yes!

1 year ago

Absolutely yes! Cats today are bombarded with atheist propaganda from every angle: from the godless degenerates who infest our entertainment industry to the pinko liberals in government who would love nothing more than to outlaw the practice of Christianity. It is your duty as a responsible cat owner to purrtect them from the barrage of misinformation they are assaulted with every day, and foremost among these lies is the “theory” of evolution. Even if your cat attends church with you on a regular basis, this will often not be enough to inoculate them against the evolution myth. Your cat needs not only to accept that God created the Earth and the United States of America, they also need to understand the insidious nature of the lies Darwin spawned in an attempt to destroy our country. The theory of evolution is not only false—it is dangerous! Dangerous to you, dangerous to your cat, and dangerous to America. It is your job to teach your cat right from wrong, good from evil, and creation from evolution—or, as we like to call it,evilution!

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