How to learn flying gliders at the age of 10

1 year ago

This is a flight of a LAK-16 with airbreakes taken off, so this glider actually is airborne:-) This level of proficiency children achieve after several days of training.

Glider LAK-16. Single seater glider training method. Lithuanians used it for teaching children gliding for the last 30 years or more. For first flights, fixed airbreakes are attached to the wings of LAK-16, so the glider only rolls on the ground and may eventually jump 5 to even 50 meters at max 1 meter hight, depending on the winch speed and abilities of the young pilot. Children can learn to raise the tail, rotate the glider to start and safely land. After longer training children learn to make turns and can land parallel to start line after S-manoeuvre. Winch rope is pulled on the ground in a loop through pulleys. The glider is pulled by detachable line. Here, tows are 250-300 meters long both ways.

During whole period of teaching this way, there were only few, but only minor accidents. In Lithuania it is recognised, that it is not more dangerous, than bicycling.

Generally in order to enrol, a child should be able to perform full stick and ruder movements. Practically, children of 9 to 13 years are flying, but there were cases, when tall 8 years old were "flying".

When children start their training under EASA and local CAA rules at the age of minimum 14, they fly safer, because their skills were trained and imprinted earlier. This is important to note, that this activity is not performed under local CAA, but Ministry of Education is taking care for that.

There are approx. 10 places in Lithuania, where children can learn to fly the whole year round. Is it not fascinating?

When you hear "I flew!!!" and you see a BIG SMILE, you know, that children have an extraordinary fun!

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