We Saw Her Do It!!! Jenn Rourkes lies EXPOSED after Lugos Acquittal.

2 years ago

Friday, June 24th at The Rhode Island State House, a rally was held for the overturning of Roe vs. Wade. A fight broke out shortly after. One man was singled out as a counter protester and was violently attacked.

Jeann Lugo, a Puerto Rican Providence Police Officer, came out that night as a civilian. Seeing the altercation occur, he advanced forward to make an arrest. As he was doing so, Jennifer Rourke grabbed him and forcefully held him back. Lugo struck her off with a open hand defensive distraction technique and pursued the aggressor. Lugo himself was then thrown to the ground and struck by multiple attackers.

Jennifer Rourke lied. She lied about not seeing Lugo during the altercation. She lied about grabbing Lugos arm and shirt. Through her lying and dishonesty, she was able to raise over twenty thousand dollars for her campaign.

Please share the truth as Rourke and her woke comrades are determined to play victim while hurting Lugos character and career. Lets make sure their immense plans of hate are miscarried and stopped dead in their tracks.

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