1 year ago

Some says, the ERP therapy is one of the most effective forms for OCD treatment. Is it true? why? Lets find the answer.

ERP... exposure and response prevention involves systematic repeated and prolonged exposure to situations

That provoke obsessional fear along with abstinence from compulsive behaviors in short you purposely get in front of your fears either in literal physical terms, for example touching something that upsets you or in theoretical terms. For example imagining a feared situation and you practice resisting the compulsive response ERP demonstrates for your mind what it needs to better process the false information about the things you fear.

People with OCD engage in compulsions in order to relieve their distress, but by relieving distress our compulsions actually lead to more compulsions. Because we're naturally more likely to repeat any behavior that results in a reduction of discomfort. This process is called negative reinforcement, because it involves the removal of a negative experience such as anxiety or disgust and signals the brain that the behavior responsible for this removal of distress must be repeated under the same conditions.

Experience of anxiety and discomfort perhaps you in a loop of negative reinforcement you're triggering thought thus leading you to do more compulsions the next time your anxiety reappears, this loop is called the obsessive compulsive cycle.

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