My Life Living In Winter Wonderland - Always be having fun!

1 year ago

This thumb nail is a real pick of my back yard. Maria took it after we woke up. Looks like an oil painting. This video is just a few snapshots from my life on the homestead. Winter has just arrived full force This was the biggest snow storm I think I have seen since I've been home. The irony is, they only predicted 1-3" inches of snow. We got 12". And then another 3=4" after the fact. I guess my neighbor isn't plowing may drieway anymore, since I snapped off on his poacher nephew. Which is fine. I have no respect for these backwoods hicks who shoot deer from their pickup truck behind the barn, and call themselves hunters. They can't ever EVER do it the hard way. Mfrs will never see a buck in their lifetime. So yeah, I had to hillbilly plow the driveway with my Jeep. That always does the trick. Man, this is going to be a LOOOONG ass winter if we don't get a major warmup that melts this snow. Unlikely I see grass again till next May. Such. But I am going snowmobiling to morrow with my boy Dan the man. We are hitting Black Mountain and brerrrap braaaaping the day away. Cn't wait. I will post videos to inspire you Nora people, and for the haters to hate on from their mom's basement. Because we all know, they do all the fun and interesting stuff. LOL

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