CYLINDER UFO near ISS (International Space Station)?!?!?! #UFO #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

2 years ago

(Stargate address of Earth: 753. more details below)
CYLINDER UFO near ISS (International Space Station)?!?!?!

Proof: Camera footage from inside ISS

a lil info for you...
Stargate address of Earth: 753.
If you punch this number on the stargate from anywhere in our universe, it will bring you to Earth.
Earth is 606
Mars is 605
The stargate number configuration is as follows. The 1st FOUR numbers are galaxy and it's quadrant to map the path all the way to the destination. It works via Cosmic Web.
Elder extraterrestrials (very ancient ETs) had designed this and upheld it. And, when a planet no longer had human life on it, they would re-cycle the number and use it for another planet.
There is a planet at the gate address of 001, this planet is orbiting a Pulsar and as a result they are able to live there a really long time and those people are called AESIR or Asgard. They are the ones who were visiting the Vikings and gave rise to the whole legend of Valhalla. Valhalla was actually going through the star gate going back to their planet with the gate address of 001.

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