Rafi Farber: SBF Was Only the Tip of the Dollar Pyramid

1 year ago

#RafiFarber - SBF Was Only the Tip of the Dollar Pyramid

The tide is going out and the the first skinny dippers are being revealed. Not only is Sam Bankman-Fried a guy with a hyphenated name, but his name is actually BANKman. As egregious as he was, all BANKS operate in the same way, so expect what happened to SBF to happen to the dollar itself and all its derivatives.

When that day comes, and may it come speedily, the only thing left standing will be money itself. And that, of course, is silver. And gold.

Meanwhile, Europe is tightening its embargo on Russian energy specifically during the coldest month of the year, February. That should work out just swell. And cold.


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