Interview with Dr Bradley Campbell!

1 year ago

On today's podcast Philly has a man that is incredibly special to her because she has followed him since the first lockdown and this man has given Philly hope, he's given her laughter, which so few people were able to do over that period of time. He is a phenomenal functional doctor, Dr. Bradley Campbell is on the Wellness Way this week.


Dr Bradley Campbell had quite a traumatic accident when he was nine years old. Bradley and his friends were playing in a classroom at school and he did a flip, but slipped and hit the corner of his head on the corner of a really sharp desk and blacked out. He ended up in the hospital and lost half of his IQ and most of his short term memory.
After this incident he went to the best of the best doctors in the US and they essentially said, we don’t know what’s wrong. He might get better on his own. He might just be this way forever.
Strangely it was a good thing that Bradley’s mum got hit by a car shortly afterwards because she was told about a healer who was a chiropractor. This person helped her through that injury and then inspired her to be healthier than she was before that accident.
So he did soft tissue adjusting on Bradley, he pulled the skull back apart, took the pressure off of his brain, and within an hour Bradley was laughing. For the first time his personality came back. Bradley’s IQ jumped up higher than it was before.


‘He was the first person in nine months who just touched my head, right? You think that'd be the first thing that anybody would do’
‘Modern Western medicine doesn't acknowledge that the skull bones move at all’
‘Whatever is actually gonna make people better is what I wanna do’



Philly J Lay is the author of The Natural Wellness Journal, EFT practitioner, and is also a long-standing advocate for our health and that of our planet. After a near death experience and years of grief, resulting in a range of chronic illnesses, she discovered personalised natural medicine and the associated miracles of the body and power of the mind. Philly is passionate in her belief that everything is connected and that when we learn to heal ourselves, it will help to heal this beautiful world. Find all my socials and links here


The Wellness Way with Philly J Lay is a layperson’s guide to your natural health systems. Your very own NHS. Join me as I chat through many of the astonishing natural ways I used to self heal from a near death medical procedure, PTSD, addiction to opioids and alcohol, and years of grief that lead to many chronic illnesses including a tumour in my throat.
I will be sharing clips from my new Fasterclass series, Your Natural Wellness Journey, and interviewing some of the remarkable guides that have transformed my life. We will discuss their stories, specialist fields, and what led them down the path of natural health.

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