14/2/2021 An Arizona federal judge stands up for truth ? Katie Hobbs to be arrested

1 year ago

14/2/2021. Timothy Dixon Prophecy (6)
I was standing on the bank of a river (Jordan river).
The Jordan was rising. A man came up. The man had blue eyes.
He took me by the hand and walking through USA.
We came to the State of Arizona. A doorway that he took me to and he opened it up. I stepped inside it was a federal judge in an office. The judge stood up and got bigger and bigger through the roof of the building. The Lord said He is Mine.
I saw a woman outside with black hair (longish). She was wearing a blue dress. Then I looked and then her face changed and her hair was cut and a different colour. She had sold out politically to a group of people. She went inside a door. There was 20-25 people inside the room. These were powerful people. They could control politics with money and blackmail.
She (?Katie Hobbs) has sold out. She stopped at a restaurant. Three black SUV’s - one got out and handcuffed her. Five papers were then given to the guy in the second SUV. Papers from a judge to arrest people. Five in arizona
People already arrested and nobody knew. It was secret across different states.
A man’s death was being hid and he was in a freezer.
Then North Carolina, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania…. things happen where the eye couldn’t see. People were disappearing and you didnt know where they were.
In Washington DC… old colonial massive building. Inside was a long feast table.
It was filled with people. Their attire was of the Perisan empire. I was looking at the Kingdom when they were trying to destroy the Jews (Esther’s people).
At the head of the table was written Mystery babylon (a female).
I saw 9 people that stood up who controlled and had an agenda to take over the world.
Behind the table was a King’s chair where Trump was sitting. There was a sock in his mouth, chained both hands, chained his feet and his abdomen.
There was 8 men that stood up and they pulled off the attire…. and seven had judges robes and one had a suit with a red tie. One of the judges went to Trump looking for a ring (like an Old Kings ring). The red tie said I have the ring. I’ve had it since December. The one in the balck robes started sitting down. One of the judges untied the hand of Trump. The one man had his heart moved by the spirit of God.
Inside the walls there was people (kings) from all over the world.
Trump then pulled the gag out and got ring of the chains from his legs and his abdomen. He was free
In front of the building was a gavel and a hangman’s noose.
In every single state was a hangman’s noose.
The people who were planning evil will hang from their own hangman’s noose.
The five big business will be crumbled within 2 years. Facebook will be small, Three are going to fall and crumble. Only two will remain standing (? Facebook ?twitter ?Google ?Apple ?Amazon).

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